A local newspaper is about hearing what others have to think and say. But because of limited space, we only print letters from Observer subscribers, who are welcomed to make their opinions known to us. Letter of 300 words or less have the best chance of being printed. We reserve the right to edit letters, but we will make every effort not to alter the author’s intent. Send your letter to the editor to kathy@ycobserver.com.
Please include photo and information. Send an email to kathy@ycobserver.com or bring it to our office at 308 Douglas.
Please email information to kathy@ycobserver.com or bring it to our office at 308 Douglas.
One of our most popular features is our Birthday Bulletin. If they have been submitted to us, we print the birthdays of subscribers and immediate family members free of charge. Please email birthdays to kathy@ycobserver.com or call us at 605-665-0484 to be added to the bulletin listing.